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Circle of Red

Circle of Red is a society of women who have the passion, the motivation and inspiration to drive and influence change in the community regarding heart health of women in their community and across the country. Circle of Red Women help support the mission of Go Red For Women® by making a personal financial commitment to the movement.

Local Circle of Red Members

Circle of Red Chairwoman

Sally Simon

Circle of Red Members

Candice Bhargava

Nancy Bigham

Jackie Gearhart

Jeanne Griffith

Joyce Heismeyer

Dondi Henak

Irene Hermreck

Janeen Hughes

Dixie Larson

Betsy Redler

Andrea Scarpelli

Sierra Scott

Janeen Smalley

Jennifer Wagle

Barbara Waitt

Jo Walters

Amy Williams

Linda Wright

Carolyn Zepick

Crimson Circle of Red Members

Jennifer Arneson

Karen Cox

Wanda Eilts

Karen Fleming

Dalrona Harrison

Nita Jackson

Carrie Kasitz

Patricia McNeill

Cheryl Neubauer

Sarah Nold

Rhonda L. Rickert

LewJene Schneider

Sonja Seidl

Theo Hanson

Kimberly Schrant


Men Go Red Members

Barth Hague
Rick Harrison

Circle of Red

Locally Sponsored By
Karen Wedel Fleming, CFP

Here is how your Donation will Make A Difference

  • Help fund vital research and programs that fuel the development of medications, surgical innovations, treatments and recommendations for preventing heart disease.
  • Help the AHA spread the word to women to learn their personal risk of developing heart disease by taking the Go Red Heart CheckUp.
  • Help the AHA distribute critical patient information on women and heart disease to healthcare provider offices.
  • Help support federal legislation aimed at improving the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of heart disease and stroke in women.
  • Help others learn CPR. Because 80 percent of cardiac arrests happen at home, the life you save with CPR is most likely to be a loved one.

Join Us

Make It Your Mission to become a part of the Circle of Red. Your support, influence and gift will make a tremendous impact in the lives of so many women. Please contact your local Go Red Luncheon Director for more information on how you can join the Circle of Red.

Learn about Circle of Red

Become a Passion Volunteer

Make It Your Mission to prevent Heart Disease. Become a Passion Volunteer today. Passion Volunteers serve as the face of the organization through grassroots efforts to create and execute awareness through various activities throughout the year.

Here is how you can help make a difference in your community.

  • Volunteer at activities like the Go Red For Women Luncheon and Health Fairs
  • Register friends, family and co-workers for BetterU (online nutrition and fitness program)
  • Engage your company to conduct Wear Red Day activities
  • Share your personal passion story

Find out how you can become a passion volunteer.

Contact your local Go Red For Women Director

nationally sponsored by

Macys sponsors Go RedMerck sponsors Go Red

City Goes Red
locally sponsored by